Industry and research centre's
The following projects with industry, universities and research centers have been perfomed or are still active:
- Stirling Engine NoCO2 2013 -Analisi della cogenerazione termoelettrica basata su cicli Stirling operanti in condizioni reali di utilizzo -Resp. I.Arsie (2013)
- Cesarmeccanica - Predictive maintenance for an automotive fleet - Resp. G.Rizzo (2006-2008)
- Telecom - Energy management and control of telephone plants - Resp. G.Rizzo (2008-2009)
- Istituto Motori CNR - Development and validation of models for Diesel engines - Resp. C.Pianese (2008-2009)
- Tecnopolis - Feasibility study for automotive diagnostic tools - 2007
- ASER srl – Study on cogeneration for a biodiesel production plant - Resp.G.Rizzo - 2004
- Elasis – Development of a multi-zone model for combustion and emission in a multi-jet Diesel engine - Resp. C. Pianese - 2004
- Elasis – Development of a two-zone model for combustion and emission in a Diesel engine - Resp. C. Pianese - 2003
- Elasis – Integrated design of vehicle control systems - Resp. C.Pianese - 2002
- Maglificio D. Capossela – Study and experimental characterization of an opposite piston engine – Resp.G.Rizzo - 2002
- Regione Campania - Guidelines for Regional Energy Plan -2001
- Science and Techonology Park of Salerno – Study and development of micro-cogeneration systems - Resp.G.Rizzo -1999
- DIME University of Naples - Development of computer codes for prediction and monitoring of emissions in Gas Turbine plants for natural gas compression - Resp.G.Rizzo - 1998
- Elasis - Development of solutions and methodologies for fuel consumption and emission reduction in automotive engines - Resp.G.Rizzo -1998
- Magneti Marelli - Development of computer codes for simulation and optimal control of automotive engines - Resp.G.Rizzo - 1998
- SNAM - Development of computer codes for prediction and monitoring of emissions in Gas Turbine plants for natural gas compression - Resp.G.Rizzo – 1998